pISSN 2549-3086 | eISSN 2657-1676
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Guidelines & Templates
The JAS topic contains the research results on Accounting and Finance, especially Islamic Accounting. The main focus and scope of JAS cover several aspects, namely:
- Islamic Accounting and Financial Management
- Financial Accounting
- Management Accounting
- Islamic Banking Accounting
- Public Sector Accounting
- Zakat Accounting
- Corporate Governance
- Sustainability Reporting
- Ethics and Professionalism
- Auditing
- Capital Market and Investment
- Corporate Finance
- Accounting Education
- Taxation
- Accounting Profession
- Accounting Information Systems.
PPPM STIE Syari'ah Bengkalis | OJS PKP | DQ-SYRâ„¢
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Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau, Indonesia 28711
Email: lppmstiesyariahbengkalis(at)yahoo.com
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