IQTISHADUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita 2024-06-24T10:40:45+00:00 Khodijah Ishak Open Journal Systems <p align="justify">IQTISHADUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita published in printed form and online, published by LPPM Publishing &amp; Printing under the auspices of Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat of Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Syariah Bengkalis. IQTISHADUNA is expected to be able to add economic insights, especially Islamic economics for academics, practitioners, researchers, policymakers (regulators), and other parties who are interested in developing economic knowledge and practice. IQTISHADUNA accepts written contributions from various parties both in the form of field research and library research (systematic literature review "SLR" or bibliometric).<br><strong>Print ISSN:&nbsp;</strong> <a title="Cek ISSN BRIN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2303-3568</strong></a><br><strong>Online ISSN: </strong><a title="Cek ISSN BRIN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2684-8228</strong></a><br><strong>DOI: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.46367/iqtishaduna</a></strong><br><strong>Accreditation:</strong> Sinta 4 (<a title="Please check and input e-ISSN: 26848228" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Waiting for reaccreditation results</a>)<br><strong>Editor in Chief:</strong> Khodijah Ishak<br><strong>Language:</strong> Bahasa Indonesia and English<br><strong>Author Fees/APC:</strong> 600,000 IDR (Starting in 2024)<br><strong>Publication Frequency:</strong> <strong>June</strong> and <strong>December</strong> each year.</p> The Role Of The Digital Economic Literacy Movement In Supporting MSMEs Sustainability 2024-06-24T10:40:44+00:00 Justita Dura Muhammad Riko Hamdani <p align="justify">Economic growth in Indonesia in the micro, small and medium enterprise (MSMEs) sector often needs help in the short term. Regional government efforts to promote education and literacy have strengthened the importance of digitalization in increasing MSME's income, especially after the pandemic. This research analyses how financial literacy and financial technology (fintech) influence the sustainability of MSMEs in Malang. This type of research is quantitative, using primary data as a questionnaire. The research population consisted of 7920 MSMEs in the city of Malang. The sampling technique used purposive sampling so that 100 MSMEs were obtained as respondents. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression with the help of SPSS software. The research results show that fintech and financial literacy positively influence the sustainability of MSMEs. Fintech and financial literacy are enough to encourage the expansion and sustainability of MSMEs in Malang. This research can complement existing theories and be a reference for local governments to encourage and facilitate digitalization and financial literacy for MSME players. This research can also be a reference for fintech companies to reach out more to MSMEs and increase fintech socialization.</p> 2024-06-24T10:27:51+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IQTISHADUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita Factors Influencing Muzakki's Interest To Pay Zakat In Yatim Mandiri Indonesia 2024-06-24T10:40:44+00:00 Ahmad Agus Hidayat Heru Sahdani Istiqom Shinta Hardiyanti Siska Arie Novita <p align="justify">The research aims to examine the influence of institutional image, religiosity, transparency, and trust on the interest of <em>muzakki</em> in paying zakat at Yatim Mandiri. This study employs a quantitative method with data analysis techniques using a structural equation model (SEM). The research population consists of <em>muzakki</em> from Yatim Mandiri zakat institution in Ponorogo. The sampling technique used is random sampling with the Slovin approach, and the sample size is 164 <em>muzakki</em>. The sources include primary data from questionnaires distributed to <em>muzakki</em> at Yatim Mandiri. The research findings indicate that transparency, religiosity, and trust positively and significantly influence interest, while institutional image negatively and significantly influences interest. Trust is the most dominant factor influencing the interest of <em>muzakki</em> in paying zakat. This research can complement existing theories. Practically, this research can provide an understanding of <em>muzakki</em> in paying zakat. Then, it can become a reference for Yatim Mandiri in maintaining the institution's image, showing a sincere work ethic through transparency, and showing the trust of <em>muzakki</em> so that they can commit to paying zakat.</p> 2024-06-24T10:28:45+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IQTISHADUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita Strategy For Improving Employee Performance Of Sahabat Yatim Indonesia 2024-06-24T10:40:44+00:00 Yunitasari Yunitasari Sutrisno Sutrisno <p align="justify">This research aims to determine the improvement in the performance of Sahabat Yatim Indonesia (SYI) Yogyakarta Branch employees by increasing the amount of Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS) received. This research is qualitative, with data sources in the form of primary and secondary data. The method used in collecting data was interviewing and looking at the financial reports held by the SYI Yogyakarta branch. There were seven interview informants, including branch heads and employees of the SYI Yogyakarta branch. The validity of the data was tested using the source triangulation method. This research uses data analysis techniques, such as data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The results of this research find that the strategy to improve employee performance carried out by the SYI Yogyakarta branch has gone according to plan; this is realized through measurable implementation and supervision through monitoring and evaluation. The strategy to increase ZIS revenues has also been running well. The increase in ZIS proves that this is accepted every month. The theoretical implications of this research can be helpful as a reference for further research on a similar theme. The practical implication of this research is that the SYI Yogyakarta branch can maintain employee performance in increasing ZIS acquisition. The leadership of the SYI Yogyakarta branch can provide policies for distributing employee performance according to employee duties and functions so that employee performance can run better by the organizational structure of the SYI Yogyakarta branch.</p> 2024-06-24T10:29:42+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IQTISHADUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita Key Industrial Sectors In The Sulampua Area As A Result Of Nusantara Capital City Development 2024-06-24T10:40:44+00:00 Ernawati Ernawati Ilyas Ilyas Mansyur Asri <p align="justify">This study aims to determine the sectors that need to be developed in the non-golden triangle area of the SULAMPUA region as a result of the Nusantara Capital City (NCC) development. Descriptive research is being conducted utilizing secondary data from Statistics Indonesia’s 2016 IRIO (Inter-Regional Input-Output) table. The IRIO model is used in data analysis for 20 secondary sub-sectors. The SULAMPUA region comprises 10 provinces, with the Golden Triangle region comprising South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, and West Sulawesi. The study results show that to take advantage of opportunities for the development of NCC, several key industries need to be developed for non-golden triangle areas, namely the food industry (I-13), non-metallic mineral goods industry (I-21); other processing industries, machinery and equipment repair and installation services (I-27); and the wood industry, goods from wood and cork, and woven goods from bamboo, rattan, and the like (I-17). Maluku, Papua, and West Papua provinces have relatively little opportunity to develop the industrial sector and benefit from moving NCC. Because the sectors connected directly or indirectly and the key sectors of these three provinces are capital-intensive industries, MSMEs have more significant barriers to entry. This research can be a reference for local governments in exploring potential industrial sectors to be developed to achieve NCC development opportunities.</p> 2024-06-24T10:30:45+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IQTISHADUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita MSMEs Marketing Strategies Through The Use Of Social Media: A Systematic Literature Review 2024-06-24T10:40:44+00:00 Izza Milenia Ariyati Ayu Fitria Ismawati Adika Iftitah Rizqillah Siti Sri Wulandari Susanti Susanti <p align="justify">This research aims to analyze literature regarding marketing strategies used by MSMEs in 2019-2023, as well as analyze the impact of the use of social media by MSMEs in marketing strategies. This research uses a systematic literature review method. The number of articles found was 54, which matched the criteria and keywords of this research theme. The research results show that Sinta indexes more published articles, publication trends increase yearly, and most research types use a qualitative approach. An effective marketing strategy helps increase sales for MSMEs because it can save production costs, and social media platforms become a resource that can reach consumers widely. MSME marketing strategies via social media in 2019-2023 mostly use Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. This research can be used as a reference for future research. This research can also be used as a reference for MSME owners in implementing marketing strategies, especially social media, to improve performance through product innovation and creativity in marketing.</p> 2024-06-24T10:31:39+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IQTISHADUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita Variation Product, Green Marketing, And Discount On Consumer Satisfaction 2024-06-24T10:40:44+00:00 Fira Niwayansari Adi Santoso Wijianto Wijianto <p align="justify">This research analyses whether product variations, green marketing and discounts influence KFC consumer satisfaction at Lawu Plaza Madiun. This type of research is quantitative and uses primary data sources. The research population is all KFC consumers from active students at the Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo, where the number cannot be known with certainty. Sampling used a non-probability sampling technique with the accidental sampling method, and sample measurement used the Hair approach, so 140 respondents were obtained. The sample measurement technique uses a Likert scale interval of 1-10. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression. The results of this research show that variety and green marketing have a significant positive effect on consumer satisfaction, while discounts do not have a positive effect on consumer satisfaction. Simultaneously, the variables of product variation, green marketing, and discounts influence consumer satisfaction. The results of this research can complement existing theories and be used as a reference for KFC management in increasing consumer satisfaction in terms of product variety and green marketing.</p> 2024-06-24T10:32:22+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IQTISHADUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita Impact Of Mudharabah And Murabaha Financing On Real Sector Growth In Asean Developing Countries 2024-06-24T10:40:44+00:00 Yudina Nurhaliza Dwi Novita Sari Maisyahrani Maisyahrani Fuzna Bimin Hatin Nabila <p align="justify">This research aims to analyze whether <em>mudharabah</em> and <em>murabaha</em> financing have an impact on maximizing real sector growth in Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. The method used in this research is quantitative with a descriptive-associative approach. The data used in this research comes from secondary data and time series data obtained from the Financial Services Authority (FSA) Islamic banking statistics report, Indonesian economic and financial statistics report, Kuwait Finance House annual report, Malaysian economy in Figures 2022 report, report annual Islamic bank Brunei Darussalam, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) report. This research uses panel data regression analysis. The research results show that partial <em>mudharabah</em> and <em>murabaha</em> financing does not impact real sector growth. Simultaneously, <em>mudharabah</em> and <em>murabaha</em> financing significantly impact real sector growth. This research provides a new contribution to scientific development, stating that <em>mudharabah</em> and <em>murabaha</em> financing do not impact real sector growth. Practically, this research proves that there must be improvements related to <em>mudharabah</em> and <em>murabaha</em> financing so that they can have an impact on real sector growth.</p> 2024-06-24T10:33:14+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IQTISHADUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita Parametric Stochastic Frontier Approach To Measure Efficiency Pre-And-Post-Merger Bank Syariah Indonesia 2024-06-24T10:40:44+00:00 Mella Katrina Sari Saniman Widodo Suryani Sri Lestari Mustika Widowati Siti Hasanah <p align="justify">This research analyses the efficiency of pre-and-post-merger Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). This research used a descriptive quantitative analysis method. The population in this research is Islamic banks, which were merged into BSI. The sampling technique was carried out using saturated samples, resulting in the merged of three Islamic Banks, namely Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), Bank Negara Indonesia Syariah (BNIS), Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah (BRIS), to become BSI. The data used is secondary data in the form of quarterly financial reports for 2019-2022. The research focused on input variables such as total fixed assets, third-party funds, operating costs, and financing. The data analysis techniques used to measure the efficiency of Islamic banks are the Econometric Model (Single Equation Model), Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), and Independent Sample t-test. The result showed that pre-merger, the total fixed asset, total third-party funds, and operating cost as the input variables of the three Islamic Banks were optimal for generating financing. Therefore, the total assets, total third-party funds, and operating costs produced a more optimal impact on the distribution of total financing. It is shown that BSI, both pre-and-post-merger, has generally been efficient in its operational activities. The results of this research complement the theory related to the efficiency level of Islamic banks in terms of the amount of financing as measured by fixed assets, total third-party funds, and operational costs. Practically, the results of this research can be a reference for banks, especially Islamic banks, that will carry out mergers to measure their efficiency level.</p> 2024-06-24T10:34:10+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IQTISHADUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita Interest Saving In Islamic Banks: Profit Sharing, Religiosity, Product Diversity, And Moderation By Promotions 2024-06-24T10:40:44+00:00 Rizky Cahyani Putri Yuyun Ristianawati <p align="justify">This research aims to analyze the influence of profit sharing, religiosity, and product diversity on interest in saving at Islamic banks, with promotion as a moderating variable. The population of this research is students at private Universities in Central Java, with a total of 465,584 people, according to the latest source from Central Statistics Agency Central Java. The sampling technique used random sampling with a sample size of 100 people after being measured using the Slovin approach. The analysis technique for this research uses multiple linear regression and moderated regression analysis (MRA). The data is processed using IBM SPSS 25 software. This research shows that partially profit sharing, religiosity, product diversity, and promotion positively and significantly affect interest in saving at Islamic banks. Promotion can moderate the relationship between profit sharing and religiosity on interest in saving at Islamic banks. However, promotion cannot moderate the relationship between product diversity and interest in saving at Islamic banks. This research can complement existing theories and be a reference source for further research. It can also be a source of information for Islamic banking to increase customer interest in saving through profit sharing, religiosity, and diversity of products and promotions.</p> 2024-06-24T10:34:57+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IQTISHADUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita Abu Ubaid’s Perspectives And The Dynamics Of Digital Currency In Modern Islamic Economics 2024-06-24T10:40:44+00:00 Nadiyah Mu’adzah Dedy Rachmad Aam Slamet Rusydiana <p align="justify">This research aims to discover how classical Muslim scholars named Abu Ubaid and contemporary academics think about the existence and Islamic law regarding digital currency. This library research uses meta-analysis, sentiment analysis, and critical analysis. This research uses secondary data from scientific journal articles published in 2017-2023. The data source in this research was obtained from the Dimension database. The research results show that there are 106 pieces of scientific literature about digital currency from an Islamic perspective and 35 scientific kinds of literature about Abu Ubaid in the economic field with fluctuating literature development. Digital currency is not based on Abu Ubaid's thinking about the function of money because digital currency is a virtual currency that does not have underlying assets and many elements of uncertainty and other harm. Contemporary research studies also indicate a prevailing inclination towards negative rather than positive sentiment regarding the presence and implementation of Islamic law in digital currency. The <em>dar'u al-mafasid</em> <em>muqaddam ala jalb al-masalih</em> principle might help resolve the dispute between those who permit and those who forbid it. This research can be used as reference material for relevant research in the future and is helpful as material for public reflection and evaluation for policymakers to revitalize the application of digital currency by Islamic principles.</p> 2024-06-24T10:36:05+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IQTISHADUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita